Raila Odinga names Martha Karua of Narc Kenya as Azimio Running Mate

Narc Kenya’s Martha Karua was yesterday unveiled as Raila Odinga’s Running mate for the Azimio la Umoja presidential bid at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC).

Speaking at the event, the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Presidential flag bearer praised Ms Karua for her Steller record as a magistrate through the years and her critical role in the country’s second liberation.

“In 1990 when I was arrested and detained without trial, Ms Karua led a team of 27 lawyers to defend my illegal detention and such is the character of the woman we offer as proposed deputy president,” Mr Odinga said.

“The office of the deputy President is meant to be the president’s workshop, all the heavy lifting is expected to occur here. The principal assistant is meant to be a problem solver who lightens the burden of the president,” he noted.

“The deputy’s office is the president’s last line of defense administratively and the person who bears this office must bear distinct characteristics. The deputy has to be a coworker who compliments the president instead of competing with the president,” Mr Odinga said.

Mr. Odinga said after reviewing the committee report, he had nominated Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka as the Chief Cabinet Secretary to help him form the Azimio government. “I also nominate Kenneth Marende as the Speaker of the Senate. I also nominate Wycliffe Oparanya as CS for Treasury,” he said.

Mr Odinga also proposed Mr Peter Munya as CS Agriculture and Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho as CS for Land, to deal with the land issues especially at the Coast.

In her acceptance speech, Ms Karua thanked the Azimio council and running mate selection panel for a thorough and transparent process, stating that they have set a proper standard for future presidential campaigns.

“I am deeply honored by the decision to nominate me as the deputy presidential candidate for Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition party, and I stand here fully aware of the implications and symbolism of this moment,” she said.

“Three decades ago at the height of the clamor of a democratic state, we began the journey to liberate this country from yokes of underdevelopment, negative ethnicity, endemic corruption and poor governance,” said Ms. Karua adding this culminated in great success in 2002 after learning from past mistakes and forming a rainbow coalition.

“2002 was a powerful moment that showed great possibility of what can be when people and their leaders are united in purpose. Today we find ourselves at a similar moment responding to a higher calling in service to country,” said Ms Karua.

She said that together Kenyans can breathe new life to the constitution and strengthen the foundations against endemic poverty, disease, ignorance and corruption.

“When we were fighting for Democracy our primary competitors were enjoying the status quo, when we pushed for a new constitution they wanted the old order to prevail,” she said.

This is a great moment for all women of Kenya and I promise to be steadfast and diligent in my duties as deputy president. Raila tosha!” she said.



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