Residents Urged to Elect Leaders Based on Performance

Kajiado Central Member of Parliament Memusi Kanchori has urged area residents to vote in leaders based on their performance track record rather than along clan and tribal lines.

Speaking while campaigning in Ordapoi in Matapato North ward, Memusi said Kajiado has not benefitted from any development initiative since 2017 as the people voted in a non-performer unlike other counties.

“We have suffered as Kajiado County for the last five years due to lack of good leadership. We are experiencing great losses in our milk and Meat products because there is no value addition being done,” said Memusi.

The legislator cited Makueni and Kitui counties as good examples of what can happen if good leaders are elected into office.

“Governor Kivutha Kibwana of Makueni has left an indelible mark in Makueni after building Mango and Milk processing factories in the county. Charity Ngilu has also transformed the lives of Kitui residents through building industries. Let us therefore elect leaders who perform rather than looters of public funds,” reiterated Memusi.

He thus advised residents to elect leaders based on what they have delivered to the wananchi so far in the forthcoming General Election.

Memusi urged various communities in the area to desist from clan and tribal politics as they all suffer collectively from poor leadership regardless of whose clansman is in office.

He for instance noted that lack of drugs at Kajiado County Referral Hospital was affecting everyone including those who voted along clan lines as all of them visit the hospital for health services.

The two term legislator pledged to construct a tannery in Ilbissil town if re-elected to process cow hides from the entire Kajiado County.

The Maasai Community which is predominant in Kajiado has always voted along the two Clan lines; Orok Kiteng’ and Odo Mongi’.



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