Rogue politicians warned against campaign violence

Eastern Regional Commissioner, Evans Achoki, has directed Chiefs and their Assisted, to monitor political activities that could disrupt peace and unity in their respect jurisdictions, during the ongoing political campaigns and after the August 9 General Elections.

The Regional Commissioner while speaking in Kitui town during the County Security meeting attended by all Chiefs and their Assistants in the County, cautioned local politicians against engaging on political campaigns that threatened the prevailing peace and harmony.

“I direct you to monitor activities that may spark political violence during the ongoing political campaigns, even after the General elections and report back to me alongside respective perpetrators. I assure you that I will in return respond to counter the violence immediately and deal with the perpetrators effectively,” Achoki commanded.

He advised the politicians and their supporters to refrain from political violence and as well ensure they conduct a peaceful campaign.

On food security, following increasing demand of food aid for starving families in the county, the Regional Commissioner noted that government will continue to avail food aid monthly stipends to vulnerable families despite mobile money transfer challenges as the government send the monthly Cash Transfer to beneficiaries.

He further said government is reassessing the situation aimed at providing more food aid mitigation activities to upscale and capture increasing starving families thus ensuring no local resident starves to death.

At least 170, 000 starving families in the County have been receiving government monthly Cash Transfer of 3,000 for food aid. However, National Drought Management Authority released a latest Report of May this year indicating that 230, 000 families are facing famine in the County and needs urgent food aid.

Achoki who is on a two days’ tour of Kitui County inspected Competency Based Curriculum classes at Kaluki Ngilu Girls Secondary Schools in Katulani Sub-county in Kitui Central Constituency and also inspected upgrading of Migwani – Mbondoni road construction, which is an extension of Kibwezi – Mutomo – Kitui – Kabati – Migwani Road.

The addition of Migwani – Mbondoni road section was approved for upgrading and aimed at connecting the road to Mwingi – Garissa Road.

The Regional Commissioner while speaking at Kaluki Ngilu Girls Secondary School reiterated government committed on hundred percent transitional rate from primary to secondary school.

While addressing parents, teachers and students at the school, the Eastern regional boss advised the girls to refrain from engaging in social evils including early pregnancy that would lead them to drop out of school.



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