Siaya Residents Worried over Governor’s Incomplete Projects

A cross-section of Siaya County residents have expressed concern over some incomplete projects especially those considered legacy projects by outgoing Governor Cornell Rasanga.

The residents have questioned the state of the ongoing construction of the Siaya stadium and the delay in the completion, questioning if it could have been a matter of inadequate funds or something else they are yet to be made aware of.

Dennis Odhiambo said that the stadium has been left in a bad state and is bushy though the Governor is now leaving office and so they are worried about its completion.

“When ODM leader, Raila Odinga came to Siaya recently, he should have been welcomed in the new stadium and not the football playground. That was the day when the bushy field was cleared and the compound was being prepared,” expressed Odhiambo.

Another issue left pending is that of Dominion Farm with those residing around Yala Swamp saying a solution should be provided because they lost the jobs there and that most of the youths are now unemployed.

“The problem in Siaya County is not education, if you look at the percentage of unemployed youths who have graduated, it’s so high. The only challenge is to come up with a system and policies that can help the youths get jobs,” David Opala.

Siaya Governor has for the past several days been going round Sub-Counties thanking residents of Siaya for giving him an opportunity to serve them for 10 years.

Accompanied by other ODM leaders Senator James Orengo, Dr. Oburu Odinga, among other party representatives in Siaya County, Rasanga thanked the residents for their support during his two terms of service.

David Ochieng who was an aspirant for the Alego Usonga Member of Parliament seat said that Rasanga has improved roads infrastructure where in the villages some sections are now tarmacked and ECDE classes constructed in schools within the County.

“In Alego Usonga, if you are bereaved and you go to Rasanga to ask for the help of the transportation of the body from the mortuary, he will help you and even add you flour that will help you in the burial,” said Scholastica, a resident from Boro.

Scholastica added that she is grateful for the construction of Boro Market that was initially dilapidated and has now been improved courtesy of the county government.

Odhiambo also appreciates the outgoing governor for the efforts he placed to provide the bodaboda riders with licenses.

Many residents have expressed their desire to have the politicians vying in the coming August polls to be leaders who are accessible just like the outgoing governor.



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