Two Watchmen killed by criminals in Busia

Two night guards were last night murdered by criminals at Matayos market in Busia County.

The two were allegedly clobbered on their heads to death with brunt objects by the assailants who are yet to be identified.

The gang afterwards managed to break into several shops and stole property worth millions of shillings.

The area has witnessed a wave of insecurity lately with at least 10 businessmen having been killed in the last two months.

Confirming the incident, Busia County Commissioner Dr. Ahmed Omar who was accompanied by county Police Commander Maxwell Nyaea condemned the heinous act and appealed to residents to stay calm as security organs pursue the criminals.

“We apologize to and empathize with families who have lost their loved ones, and promise to get to the bottom of the matter to ensure that those culpable are arrested,” said Dr. Omar.

Busia bodaboda owners’ chairman Isaac Obwolo attributed the runway insecurity on laxity by security officers adding: “Police officers in our area are reluctant in pursuing criminals but instead frequent illicit brew dens to mint money from brewers.”

Obwolo claimed there are many unregistered motorbikes within Busia, which are frequently used by thugs to accomplish their evil missions and appealed to security organs to join efforts with residents to secure the county.

Addressing members of the press, angry Matayos residents prevented the police from picking bodies of the slain watchmen, demanding that sniffer dogs be brought at the scene for thorough investigations before any other action could be taken.

The mob also blocked the busy Busia-Kisumu road with stones making it difficult for motorists to drive.

Cases of insecurity are on the rise within Busia County. Two weeks ago 26- year- old Sammy Sireka was gunned down by an unknown criminals and residents are now demanding that Interior Cabinet Secretary Dr. Fred Matiangi visit the region and address the crisis.



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