Women asked to preach peace ahead of the elections

Women leaders in Narok County have been trained on how to use the power within them to influence a peaceful election.

The women drawn from religious organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, civil society and Maendeleo ya Wanawake were sensitized on being in the front line to preach peace and resolve any conflict that could occur during this electioneering season.

The training was facilitated by the Ministry of Interior through the National Steering Committee on Peace Building and Conflict Management, where women were asked to be instruments of peace in the society by teaching the young people to uphold amity.

Narok Central Deputy County Commissioner (DCC), Silas Gatobu, said the contribution of women in building peace in the society is paramount as they act as role models to the young generation.

“The women spend more time with their children. I request them to engage their children more in peace messages so that they can be responsible citizens,” she said.

Gatobu called on women to report on happenings in the society that could cause chaos during this electioneering period.

The Narok Branch- Maendeleo ya Wanawake Chairperson Ms. Lonah Nkowah regretted that the politicians were dishing out money to young people as a lure to support their bid.

“We as the mothers of these children should guide them so that they will not be used to cause chaos. Many young men will listen to their mothers’ advice. But if the mothers speak ill about other tribes to their children, they will have a negative attitude towards other tribes,” said the Chairlady.

Violet Sikawa, who represented women with disability said the people who are mainly affected in cases of violence are women, children and persons with disability hence called on the society to embrace peace during and after the elections.

Sikawa asked women not to shy off from preaching peace in their various platforms so that every person in the society will embrace peace regardless of the election’s outcome.

The meeting was held at the Narok County Commissioner Conference Hall and also attended by Narok Gender Officer, Ms. Agnes Ngeno.



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