Kisii residents urged to shun murder incidents and foster peace

Kisii County Police Commander, Francis Kooli has raised concern over the rising murder incidents in the region that has seen 126 people killed since May last year and appealed to residents to shun it and foster peace.

Speaking to the press at his office in Kisii town, Kooli stated that Nyamache Sub-County was leading with 18 cases, followed by Kenyenya with 17, Masaba South and Kitutu Central, 15 each, Kisii South 13, Sameta 11, Kisii Central with ten, Etago had seven while Gucha and Marani had five cases each.

He noted that most of the murder cases were related to family conflicts and land disputes saying the killings created conflicts between the perpetrators and families of the victims, causing fear and anxiety.

“The increasing population, shrinking land sizes, and lack of dialogue to resolve land disputes peacefully are fueling these killings. We will ensure that perpetrators face the law and be an example to others,” affirmed Kooli.

Kooli added that 72 cases were pending in court, and 44 cases being investigated, adding that police officers were pursuing ten suspects in murder cases.

He lauded the judiciary for imposing tough jail terms for perpetrators and appealed to the prosecution to conduct thorough investigations to seal loopholes that suspects use to evade convictions.

Kooli warned chiefs and clan elders against attempting to settle murder, defilement, and rape cases at homes, saying they will be arrested and prosecuted as accomplices.

“Chiefs and clan elders should assist the victims of crime to get justice. They should not negotiate between the perpetrators and families of victims to settle the matter out of court,” he reiterated.

The county police boss further said security officers will not allow family members and suspects to negotiate and settle the cases outside court, noting that they will be arrested to face the law for the victims to get justice regardless of the negotiations.



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