Mind our plight- PWDs tell political aspirants

People with disability in Lugari Sub-County want political aspirants seeking different positions during the August 9 general election to have an agenda for disabled people in their manifestos.

The Sub-County PWD coordinator Jeremiah Chamwa while speaking to KNA on Thursday said over many years, leaders have always neglected people with disability once elected into office.

Chamwa proposed to the aspirants to convincingly demonstrate how they will help PWDs once elected in office.

He said close to 1,000 PWDs voters in Lugari constituency have solidly vowed to elect leaders who will champion their interests and general wellbeing during August 9 general election.

“We hear about their campaigns every day but key issues touching on People with disability are not mentioned,” Chamwa regretted.

Chamwa said PWDs need to be empowered through training and resource provision so that they can be able to provide for themselves and their families.

The coordinator said there were a number of children living with disability from needy homes who didn’t continue with their education for lack of sponsorship.

“I am appealing to the politicians seeking to be elected in different offices that they should be looking at ways of empowering the disabled through education during their formative ages,” Chamwa observed.

He noted that leaders should fulfil their promises through passing laws both in County and National assemblies that will enable PWDs to live better lives.

The coordinator said that political leaders should always ensure resources including wheel chairs plus several tools to empower PWDs reach targeted areas without fail.

“It is your duty to ensure resources set aside both at National or County Government level reach the targeted PWDs at Sub-Counties without failure,” Chamwa said while referring to politicians seeking various positions.

Chamwa however regretted that the number of mentally challenged persons in Lugari had risen and appealed to the state and non-state players to find ways of assisting caregivers who are mainly parents/guardians.

He said some mental cases need medical attention which most parents/guardians are not able to afford.

The coordinator cited Lumakanda Ward as one of the areas hit hard by mental condition people that requires immediate attention.



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