More women running for political seats

A gender expert at Egerton University Dr Lilian Cheskaw has commended the increased number of women gunning for political seats in the country.

Interviewed by KNA yesterday at the university, she said it was encouraging to see more women vying for elective positions, especially at the County Assemblies level, because that’s where it matters most for the disadvantaged members of society.

She noted if the country was to achieve the two-thirds-gender rule at the county assemblies’ Parliament and Senate, many issues would be handled differently because, since independence, it’s the men who have been dominating elective posts and making decisions using one gender’s view.

“The era of the notion that women are naïve and weak is gone as we see more women going up the ladder,’’ said the don.

Cheskaw said politics was not a fair game because the political parties do not belong to the people but to the founders and leaders, and that means the people do not make decisions for the party but the party makes decisions for the people.

In addition, she said during the recent nominations some people were rigged out ruthlessly while others were paid off or threatened in order for them to step down.

Also, she said to break away from this political suppression, the people should vote for women who are vying as independent candidates, because they don’t bear allegiance to anyone, and give birth to people-driven and centered politics.

She added that even constituencies like Nakuru West which has never had a woman running for a parliamentary seat has finally attracted one Jedidah Wairimu.



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