Women in Kiambu applaud Azimio’s running mate decision

A group of women in Kiambu County yesterday rejoiced in the streets expressing gratitude for consideration of a woman for a top political seat.

They termed yesterday’s announcement by the Azimio coalition leader Raila Odinga that Martha Karua will be his running mate during the forthcoming General election historical in that if the former prime minister win the presidency Kenya will have the first woman deputy president since independence.

Kiambu Maendeleo ya Wanawake chairperson Hannah Wambui Ngige on her part said: “As a resident of Muguga ward, the announcement by the Azimio candidate choosing Martha Karua as the running mate has lifted up my spirit and serves as a great motivating factor that someone somewhere believes in gender inclusion and leadership of women in this country.”

She noted that with over 10 years’ experience as a grassroots leader dealing with community policing, the greatest lesson over time has been that God created women to be helpers and homemakers thus expressed that God will give Karua the wisdom to re-build Kenya as a home which is conducive for all.

Wambui urged other women countrywide holding various positions to remain bold, strive to excel, be open-minded and also have self-believe because if they don’t, no one will actually trust them to take up top positions which are highly challenging not only in the political sphere but also in the corporate world.

In her acceptance speech yesterday the NARC Kenya leader said: “Women have been instrumental in pursuing positive change and transformation in different spheres including social, economic, political, education and health sectors in their own individual capacities, thus this is our moment as women of Kenya.”

Karua’s star in the Country and in the Central region has risen prominently since she vied for the presidency in 2013 and contested the Kirinyaga gubernatorial seat in 2017. She had earlier served as Gichugu Member of Parliament for over a decade and was once the minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs. .



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